How to create waterfall chart in Excel 2013

Waterfall chart (or Bridge chart) is great tool to analyze how an initial value is affected by series of intermediate positive or negative values.
Generally, the initial and final values are represented by whole columns, while the intermediate values shown by floating columns. Again, let’s show positive values with GREEN bars and negative values with RED bars.
For example, we take data below to create waterfall chart in Excel 2013:
To create a simple waterfall chart in Excel 2013 follow below steps:
Insert additional columns between the given data. Here we will add 4 columns >>> "Ends", "Rise", "Fall", "Hide"
Ends – used to get the columns pertaining to first and last values
Rise – positive values contributing to increase in initial value
Fall – negative values (absolute) contributing to decrease in initial value
Hide – calculates values required to get starting point for Rise or Fall
Cell B2: =F2 (initial)
Cell D3: =MAX(F3, 0)     >>>>    Drag this formula to D8 (don't include FINAL row)
Cell E3: =MAX(-F3, 0)    >>>>    Drag this formula to E8 (don't include FINAL row)
Cell C3: =B2+C2+D2-E3   >>>>    Drag this formula to C8 (don't include FINAL row)
Cell B9: =F9 (final)
Now we have the data properly organized and formulas in place. Let's start creating the stacked column chart
  1. Select the data including the row and column headers; exclude "ORIGINAL" column
  1. Go to "INSERT" tab >>> Column Charts >>> Stacked Column
Coming to the hidden secret of the Waterfall chart, we need to apply trick on "Hide" values (basically HIDE them).
  1. Select the "Hide" series by clicking on any column, then right-click and select "Format Data Series…"
  1. This will open "Format Data Series" dialog box on the right side
  1. Press on "Fill" icon and select "No fill" and "No line" option
We have the basic structure of the chart ready. It's time to do little formatting.
Let's first decrease the GAP between the columns so that its visually appealing.
Double-click any column >>> Series Options >>> Gap Width >>> 10%
Quickly change colour of different columns: Ends >>> BLUE; Rise >>> GREEN; Fall >>> RED
Select Series >>>  Right-click >>> Format Data Series >>> Fill >>> Choose Colour
Add Data Label to make values of the columns visible.
Select Series >>> Right-click >>> Add Data Labels
Finally, remove unnecessary data labels and legends from the chart

1 comment:

  1. It was helpful for me to read your article. I work with diagrams every day. I'm usually using special templates to make them better.
